Guest Hosts: Peter Regan, Karen Regan, Nancy O’Kane, Matthew Pendleton
Podcasting almost live from a pizza place in a shopping mall in charming Las Vegas, we’re here to oversee the Consumer Electronic Show of 2017. Since yesterday, Matthew has watched the first 10 minutes of the movie “Airport.”
Dr. Compagno is briefing Vern and Anson about Gwen’s eye condition. It’s too early to draw conclusions, “but ophthalmic surgery can do extraordinary things.” Campagno says he’d better get back to see her.
“Doctor,” interrupts Vern, “Gwen — Miss Meighan — she’s… she’s — she’s pregnant.” Harris looks on. “Does that make a difference?” asks Vern.
“I have no way of knowing,” says Compagno, “The pregnancy can’t be very far advanced.”
“No,” replies Vern. “It isn’t.”
“Well,” says Compagno, “the mother wasn’t deprived of oxygen long enough to do harm to the child. No one was. If there are no abdominal injuries, and she survives, chances are fair to good that the baby should be born normally.” Compagno gets up and leaves.
Harris picks up the microphone. “Global Two, leaving eight thousand. Advise Lincoln doctor to have ophthalmic surgeon available.” He puts down the microphone.
“Roger, Global Two — will notify,” says Cleveland ATC.
Harris looks at Vern. “I’ll take over now,” says Harris. After adjusting the trim controls, he turns to Vern.
“Vern,” says Harris, “I guess you know how badly I feel about Gwen. What’s between you two — that’s none of my business. But if there’s anything I can do, as a friend, –”
“You already have,” replies Vern.
In this minute
Dean Martin as Vernon Demerest
Barry Nelson as Anson Harris
Vince Williams as Cleveland Center ATC
Paul Picerni as Doctor Compagno