Guest Host: Daniel Hank
Daniel Hank works as a producer, studio production executive and loves to travel. Airport is one of his favorite movies. His credits include Marvel’s Daredevil, Glee, and the upcoming series The Breaks. He’s a serious frequent flyer and has written consistently about his travels to all seven continents.
Vern is at Gate 33, holding Gwen’s hand as she’s wheeled off the Tourist Jetway. Sarah Demerest stands behind a fence, unnoticed, listening in to Vern’s conversation.
“I’m going to the hospital with her,” says Vern to the airport physician. The doctor signals to the attendants to take her to the ambulance. Vern follows, never noticing Sarah. Sarah watches them leave.
The scene shifts to the next morning. The 707 from TGA Flight 2 is parked in the TGA hangar. A crowd of people stare up at the starboard tail, including Mel, Tanya, Patroni, Anson Harris, and Cy Jordan.
An FAA investigator measures the size of the hole blown out of the starboard lavatory.
Joe Patroni walks under the tail of the 707, swinging a box of cigars that were given to him by Mel. He taps the underside of the aircraft with the cigar box.
“Nice going, sweetheart,” says Joe.
Anson Harris talks to Cy Jordan. “Remind me to send a thank-you note to Mister Boeing,” says Harris.
Mel takes hold of Tanya’s arm and they leave.
The scene shifts to Gate 33. Peter Coakley is driving a TGA cart carrying Ada Quonsett to the gate agents’ counter. Ada steps out of the cart and proceeds to the counter.
“Good morning,” says the agent. “First class, or economy?”
Ada makes an offended expression, and says, “First class!” She then turns to Peter Coakley, frowning. “You know,” she says, “It was much more fun the other way.”
The scene shifts back to the hangar. Mel and Tanya are walking toward the MelMobile.
In This Minute
Dean Martin as Vernon Demerest
Barbara Hale as Sarah Demerest
Jacqueline Bisset as Gwen Meighan
Paul Picerni as Dr. Compagno
George Kennedy as Joe Patroni
Gary Collins as Cy Jordan
Barry Nelson as Anson Harris
Burt Lancaster as Mel Bakersfeld
Jean Seberg as Tanya Livingston
Helen Hayes as Ada Quonsett
John Findlater as Peter Coakley
Unknown as Morning Gate Agent