Guest Host: Michael Hagopian
Michael Hagopian is a graduate of Syracuse University (B.A. Economics) where he met Mark Cerulli and formed a friendship that still lasts today. He obtained his law degree from the University of Bridgeport School of Law (JD). He is licensed to practice law in the State of Rhode Island and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He is admitted to practice before all State and Federal Courts of the State of Rhode Island and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as well as the United States First Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court. Michael managed and operated a private law office for over 15 years and now is employed as the litigation manager of a multistate regional law firm. Michael resides outside of Providence, Rhode Island with his wife and daughter.
Ada is describing how she and Mr. Davidson thought Guerrero was sure to win “the contest.” Guerrero is puzzled.
“The one that comes the closest to guessing our time of arrival,” says Ada, pulling out a brochure, “wins a sightseeing trip.”
“Oh,” mumbles Guerrero, ” I didn’t kn– I just do this as sort of a — hobby. I like to see if I can — calculate where we are all the time.”
“Now that’s -” begins Ada, but Guerrero interrupts.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me,” says Guerrero, inclining his seat back, “I think I’ll take a little nap.” He shuts his eyes and feigns sleep. Now, Ada is puzzled. She looks to her right at the sleeping Mr. Davidson.
Back in Mel’s office, Tanya, Bert Weatherby, Harry Standish, and Mel are clustered around Mel’s desk. Tanya is reading the draft message about Guerrero they plan on sending to Flight Two.
“…Approach with extreme caution,” continues Tanya, reading from the paper. “His seat assignment is Twenty-Three A.”
Bert Weatherby nods his head. “Have the dispatcher send it the way he sent the other one, on the company frequency — probably New York. They’re out of the Cleveland area by now.”
Mel, pacing, pauses and turns toward Tanya. “But how do we know the man is not just another ordinary eccentric?” he asks. “Maybe all he’s got in there are some important papers.”
“I don’t think so,” says Harry, shaking his head. “I wish I did — I have a niece aboard that flight.”
Mel looks at Harry, and then turns towards Bert Weatherby. “Alright,” says Mel, “Suppose he has got a bomb. They’ve been up there for over an hour. Why hasn’t he let it go?”
“I don’t know,” replies Bert. “Maybe he’s waiting until they get out over the ocean. The Atlantic doesn’t leave traces.”
There’s a knock at the door. Mel turns towards the door. It’s Lt. Ned Ordway. “We just found the Guerrero woman,” says Ned. “One of my men is bringing her up.”
In this minute
Helen Hayes as Ada Quonsett
Van Heflin as D.O. Guerrero
Whit Bissell as Mister Davidson
Burt Lancaster as Mel Bakersfeld
Jean Seberg as Tanya Livingston
Clark Howat as Bert Weatherby
Lloyd Nolan as Harry Standish
Albert Reed as Lt. Ned Ordway