Guest Host: Paul Sullivan
Paul Francis Sullivan, a.k.a. “Sully,” is the creator and host of The Sully Baseball Daily Podcast ( Every single day since October 24, 2012, he posts an original episode of comedic yet passionate takes, analysis and observations of the game he loves.
D.O. Guerrero is buying flight insurance at Lincoln International Airport from Bunnie, the saleswoman at the insurance counter. Bunnie asks what the policy amount Guerrero is considering.
“$150,000,” says Guerrero.
“That’ll be five dollars,” says Bunnie, filling out the form. She points at a sheet on the counter. “But for $2.50 more, you could take out $225,000. It isn’t much extra for all that protection, is it?”
“No,” says Guerrero,”but I’m not sure if I have all that much left. American money – – I exchanged all my dollars to lire.”
“Oh,” says Bunnie, “we accept foreign currency! And we’ll give you the official exchange –”
“Well, I’ve got that all in big bills,” says Guerrero.
“Or,” offers Bunnie, “we’ll take a personal check, if you’d like.”
“No,” says Guerrero,”when I go to Europe, I always leave my checkbook at home. You know, the, — it’s too much of a temptation.”
Guerrero reaches into a pocket. “Oh, wait a minute,” says Guerrero, “I may have enough.” He spills some coins on the counter top.
“I didn’t mean to push you,” says Bunnie. “But we’re having a sales contest and I’ve got a chance for the prize. Well, every little bit helps!”
Guerrero stacks more coins on the counter. “Could you hurry that up, please?” asks Guerrero. “They’ve already called my flight.”
“Oh, it’s just the first call,” says Bunnie, “You still have time.” She scoops Guerrero’s coins into her hand. Guerrero looks around nervously as Bunnie continues to count the money.
The scene shifts to Gate 33, as passengers from the bus are checking in. Marcus Rathbone is at the counter, complaining.
“But I distinctly asked for the fourth row!” says Rathbone.
Ada Quonsett, hiding in a phone booth across from Gate 33, watches the activity at the gate counter intently.
In this minute
Helen Hayes as Ada Quonsett
John Findlater as Peter Coakley
Van Heflin as D.O. Guerrero
Nancy Ann Nelson as Bunnie
Peter Turgeon as Marcus Rathbone