Guest Host: Peter J. Regan
If you’ve ever stayed in a hotel with the new name of the hotel written on a bedsheet and draped over the sign with the old name of the hotel, thank Peter. He’s a long-time veteran of the hospitality resort industry, and makes sure your hotel experience is something to rave about on TripAdvisor. When he’s not complaining about the size of the bath towels, he’s expounding on what’s wrong with movies. Mark and Jim have known Peter since high school, and he’s always been like this. Except for the bath towels part. That’s new.
Tanya is explaining to Mrs Quonset that she’s being sent back to Los Angeles on the next flight, as Mel looks on.
“Yes, my dear, ” says Ada, “I was afraid of that. Well, I would like a cup of tea first, so I’ll go now and you can tell me when you want me back.” She stands up from the sofa.
“Oh no,” says Tanya. “You’re not going anywhere alone!” Tanya turns to Peter Coakley. “Mrs. Quonset will be on Flight 103. Stick with her every second until departure time. Don’t let her out of your sight.”
“Yes, Ma’am, ” says Peter. “Uh, she’ll need a ticket.”
“Yes,” says Tanya. “That’ll be a change, won’t it? I’ll make out an order.”
“May I please have my tea now?” says Ada, impatiently. Tanya says yes, but can’t figure out where Ada is headed.
“Can’t I have it in the Commanders’ Club?” says Ada.
“Uh, no, Mrs. Quonset,” says Peter. “That’s for members only.”
“But I have a card,” says Ada, rummaging through her handbag. She produces a Trans Global card, and hands it to Tanya.
“This card says ‘Mrs. Henry Jackson,'” says Tanya.
“Yes,” says Ada. “Gertrude’s a friend of mine and she always lets me use it when I’m traveling.”
“Well, we’ll send it back to Gertrude with a very strong letter!” says Tanya, palming the card.
“We’ll go this way, Mrs. Quonset,” says Peter, steering Ada towards Tanya’s office. Ada says goodbye – – just to Mel.
Mel stands and bows to Ada. “Goodbye, Ma’am.”
Ada smiles at Mel and says, “You… have been very nice.”
In This Minute
Jean Seberg as Tanya Livingston
Burt Lancaster as Mel Bakersfeld
Helen Hayes as Ada Quonset
John Findlater as Peter Coakley